Light theme

To use Lucid Ui in your web projects you just need to copy and paste the link tag in your html file in the head tag. This link will get you everything that is needed for the magic to happen.
You can go to the documentation page after linking the link tag to the html.
May Lucid Ui serve you well!
Important note: Lucid Ui contains contains normalize.css so no need to reset your css.

Both Light and Dark theme

The Lucid Ui comes with the dark mode support out of the box.
To use it you have to add an additional JS file at the end of the html file just before ending body tags.
Dark mode works only with the colors provided by the Lucid ui, if you use any other color and want it to work with dark mode then, just create a class dark-theme and give your color variables their dark theme variations. After that your custom colors will also switch to their dark mode versions.
Important note: You need to assign class dark-mode to atleast one element that will work as switch for dark mode.

Lucid Ui Boiler Plate

You can copy this boiler plate in any of your projects it contains all the components as well as the dark mode.